President calls kanye West a Jackass, Another unarmed black man murdered by Police.
It is really amazing that every time a prominent black person does or says something potentially inappropriate or inflammatory the media somehow manages to solicit or capture a comment from the President. Even more amazing is that the president seems to exercise very little restraint in providing cannon fodder for the exploitation of his reactions, especially when it involves the condemnation of black people.
In the case of Kanye West, the President called Kanye a Jackass for his actions at the MTV award ceremonies, These comments were subsequently broadcast on Twitter, an internet social interactive network. Whether the president anticipated exposure of his comments to such an extent is debatable. Nevertheless, the president should certainly understand that with the proliferation of the shadow media like facebook and twitter any recorded comments are fair game for the social networking junkies.
Kanye West’s outburst at the MTV award ceremonies , in wresting the mike from Taylor Swiff while accepting her award, received national attention and almost universal condemnation, and may have been inappropriate but was it necessary for the president to call him a “jackass”, even in a personal interview not scheduled for media distribution. (listen to the president’s comments on a twitter video at
On the other hand, Congressman’s Wilson’s outburst in calling the President a Liar at his News Conference was handled with kit gloves by the president, even making excuses for the congressman’s behavior. Does this sound like a double standard or is that many of us are still in La La land when it comes to Obama.
On September the 14th another unarmed black man was shot down in a church in Rockford Ill, while little black toddlers in daycare watched. However, this horrendous incident, which jeopardized the safety of young black babies and was a gross violation of the victim’s civil and human rights elicited very little comment from the media and not as much as a whimper from the president.
It is not uncharacteristic of President Obama not to comment on incidents, no matter how, egregious or outrageous the injustice when it involves African people, with the exception of the Gates affair, when the president retracted and apologized for calling the Police stupid for arresting Gates inside his own home as an intruder. In the past, the president has remained conspicuously silent on the shootings by police of Jean Bell an unarmed black man in New York City 50 times or Oscar Grant , another unarmed black man in Oakland California, shot in the back. In contrast he was very vocal in his condemnation of the Reverend Wright and his categorical rejection of Minister Louis Farrakhan’s support in very unflattering language, during the presidential campaign.
On a slightly different note, in a recent conversation I had with a brother, he admitted that he was glad that Obama was not dealing with any “racial issues” at this time because there were more important issues at hand that affected all people, such as Health Care and that “racial issues” were polarizing, that is they tend to divide people apart rather than bring them together. How can you talk about health care I wondered without talking about the disparities in delivery and treatment when it comes to African people. I think that everyone realizes that "racial issues" are always going to be polarizing in America, but is that a good reason for avoiding them, and leaving African people to suffer the slings and arrows of our misfortunes, in a racist society.
What struck me as very disconcerting and saddened me greatly about the brother’s comments was his willingness, which seems to exist among many black people, to subordinate our agenda, regardless of urgency to the national agenda of the Democratic party or a Democratic President. Granted, there are a number of concerns, in fact,, such as Health Care that may be very important to us, as they are to everyone, but if they do not address the great disparities for which African people endure, then, it seems to me , we gain very little by their implementation.
The question is, of course, has this policy served us well. As the old saying goes, the proof is in the pudding. Personally, I don’t see a lot of proof, in fact I am still looking for the pudding; how about you out there in La La land.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Saturday, September 5, 2009
The Obama Dilemma, the Illusion of change, and the Myth of a "Post Racial Society"
Now that the smoke has cleared and the lofty expectations and novelty of the first black President has worn thin, a more critical assessment of Barack Obama has taken shape among his supporters and critics alike. The president’s enthusiastic and idealistic supporters who spearheaded a revival of hope with the promise of pumping new life into the struggle for fundamental change and visions for a “Post Racial Society,” are now having to preside over a funeral instead, The Eulogy includes a laundry list of betrayals and mourning the loss of trust and transparency; now all that remains is the benediction.
The President is now preparing yet another speech, one of about 18 others on the subject of Health Care Reform. Unless the sun fails to rise and sky falls from above, it promises to be just as hollow as the rest of his speeches, which have offered very little to rescue African people and workers from the economic quagmire in which so many are entangled; and there is no reason to believe his prescriptions for Health Care Reform will be any different. This latest speech will likely be ultimately characterized as too little too late.
In Obama’s address to both house of Congress, it will be interesting to note what other compromises he concocts with the so called “blue dog” or conservative democrats and republicans in support of some sort of Health Care proposal, which likely will have neither substance nor significance for the millions who lack access to quality and affordable health care, regardless of his claims to the contrary
We are able to shed more light on the Presidents dilemma with his critics and supporters alike by looking at the hole in which he has dug for himself since taking office.
Among his most recent and vocal critics is a tapestry of dissenters, including some in the president’s own backyard; who are newly elected democrats who benefited from an anti-Bush backlash, but not necessarily a pro Obama, Tidle wave. It also includes a number of self styled progressives who supported the President’s candidacy and shared some of his campaign goals and objectives but remained highly skeptical of his ideological position, as the lesser of two evils.
Another group of critics, who have climbed aboard the bandwagon, are a motley group of Republicans and conservative diehards, who have tried to conceal their profound disappointment at the rejection of their conservative ideals at the polls, and who are referred to as “sore losers”, like John McCain, the other contender for the oval office.
Finally, among the President’s most vociferous and angry dissenters are a very destructive group of “haters” who temporarily repressed their seething resentment of a black man in the white house, for the lack of a venue in which to do so, legitimately; so in alliance with other critics and dissenters of the President they have used the Town Hall meetings to unleash their frustration and vent their anger, without having to account for their racist sentiments, under the cover of a “Post Racial Society”.
The President’s vacillation on a number of issues and his failure to follow through on a host of campaign promises has alienated some of his most ardent and loyal supporters. The time table of his campaign rhetoric for bringing about any kind of fundamental change expired, shortly after his inauguration, using his own barometer. By sending a mixed message about his position on Health Care Reform and the role of the Insurance industry, and not respecting the voice of single payer advocates, he has created a bridge between himself and many of his political allies, to the extent he is no longer able to command or galvanize those forces to rescue him from the abyss in which he finds himself, and no speech on “Heath Care Reform” at this point is likely to heal those wounds.
Obama’s failure to consolidate his political base has opened the flood gates to attacks by some of his most virulent critics and allowed the most entrenched and reactionary opposition to regain a foothold in American politics; despite the fact that most of the policies the opposition purports to reject have been substantially moderated or eviscerated. For example, the Public Option feature of the Health Care Reform proposals, now fighting for its life, has already been scaled down from enrolling 130,000,000 Americans to accommodating lees than 10,000,000, and the president is now entertaining the notion of some kind of co-op to soften Republican opposition. We will see what kind of Hybrid emerges from his most recent proposals.
The President’s flip flopping has provided cannon fodder for those who had lost a commanding voice in Public affairs after a resounding defeat in last November’s election, and these are not likely to subside with another one of his infamous speeches. The President is largely responsible for reenergizing these reactionaries, racists and not so happy campers of the right wing and their allies in the media, who have seized the opportunity to seduce their audience with sensationalism, and inject their two cents worth in the service of their ruling class benefactors.
Dick Cheney, the former vice president, an embattled conservative and an immensely unpopular figure, has appeared on the news and talk shows almost as often as the president, supporting the most horrendous torture of so called enemy combatants, a considerable number of which have been denied a hearing or trial or have been proven innocent.
In the past few months the media has devoted an inordinate amount of prime time to the coverage of a bunch of screaming and foul mouthed rebel rousers at the so called Town Hall meetings designed to ostensibly discuss the merits of Obama “Health Care Reform” proposals. Instead these meetings have provided a platform for the racists, and conservative die hards and reactionaries who have found a venue to express their views and rekindle support of a right wing agenda. They have used the meetings to discredit any movement toward change, under the pretext of opposition to the cost of Obama’s Health Care Reform Proposals, and have acted as obstructionists for any sane and civil discussion of the Health Care Delivery System in the United States and how to best guarantee universal coverage and quality care for all.
Although in reality no one knew at that time what was actually being proposed in the Health Care legislation in the first place, including members of congress, the unruly mobs made it up as they went along, with the media exploiting the sensationalism for the consumption of a gullible viewing audience.
Not anywhere in the media did we hear a denouncement of the savage and tyrannical tactics used by the almost exclusively white audience, tactics that would have likely brought down the wrath of the media establishment and Obama himself if it had come from the left of the political spectrum or involved black people or other progressive grassroots organizations. Unfortunately, most of the participants in this charade could have probably benefited from the most comprehensive Health Care plan one could envision, but instead fail victim to a Ruling class strategy in sabotaging their own best interest.
The irony of all the drama is that none if any of these no nothing, contemptuous rabble rousers could explain in any detail what they were actually fighting for; consequently we have to consider what they were fighting against and the only conclusion one can draw is that they were fighting against Obama himself, using the Health Care debate as a pretext. This forum of Town hall meetings provided a cover for racists and others to express their resentment of Obama without being exposed for the racists they really are thanks to the Myth of a “Post Racial Society.”
What is the greatest of all ironies however is that Obama was never a threat to these hoodlums or to any of his more sophisticated critics who might have harbored white supremacist tendencies. The resurrection of this mummified crew of the walking dead was a monster of his own creation.
Obama in his campaign and after his election devoted a lot of energy in trying to placate potential opponents and prevent the emergence of fears and discomfort at having a black face in the White House. Obama was obliged to reject his long time mentor and confidant, the Reverend Wright in strong and inflammatory language and categorically repudiate the support of Minister Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam. He was careful not to be seen at black churches or other black fraternal organizations until after his nomination and refused to speak out on the most egregious violations of Human rights of African people, like the shooting of Sean Bell by the New York Police in Queens, 50 times, shortly after his wedding. By ignoring this incident and others like it, and disassociating himself with any manifestation of militancy among blacks, Obama paved the way for the creation of the illusion of a Post Racial Society to allay the fears of a potential white constituency, who might harbor serious reservations about his loyalties, and whose votes were crucial to his election.
In his haste to accommodate his opposition and build a legacy as the great arbiter of the racial divide and partisan politics by courting the favor of the ruling class, and undercover racists, Obama forfeited his claim as an agent of fundamental change, and a champion of equality. Whatever finally emerges from the “Health Care Reform” debate or what happens with the future of the economy is academic. Obama has already left his indelible footprints in the annals of history. The dimentions of these footprints match perfectly with those of the Bankers and the imperialist oligarchy of the world, and they are branded on the backs of Africans, workers and the poor.
Failing in his mission to promote the Myth of a “Post Racial Society and the illusion of fundamental change, Obama is left to stew in his own dilemma which will likely follow him to the end of his term. He is slowly digging his own grave and when the hole is big enough, he will fall in it.
The President is now preparing yet another speech, one of about 18 others on the subject of Health Care Reform. Unless the sun fails to rise and sky falls from above, it promises to be just as hollow as the rest of his speeches, which have offered very little to rescue African people and workers from the economic quagmire in which so many are entangled; and there is no reason to believe his prescriptions for Health Care Reform will be any different. This latest speech will likely be ultimately characterized as too little too late.
In Obama’s address to both house of Congress, it will be interesting to note what other compromises he concocts with the so called “blue dog” or conservative democrats and republicans in support of some sort of Health Care proposal, which likely will have neither substance nor significance for the millions who lack access to quality and affordable health care, regardless of his claims to the contrary
We are able to shed more light on the Presidents dilemma with his critics and supporters alike by looking at the hole in which he has dug for himself since taking office.
Among his most recent and vocal critics is a tapestry of dissenters, including some in the president’s own backyard; who are newly elected democrats who benefited from an anti-Bush backlash, but not necessarily a pro Obama, Tidle wave. It also includes a number of self styled progressives who supported the President’s candidacy and shared some of his campaign goals and objectives but remained highly skeptical of his ideological position, as the lesser of two evils.
Another group of critics, who have climbed aboard the bandwagon, are a motley group of Republicans and conservative diehards, who have tried to conceal their profound disappointment at the rejection of their conservative ideals at the polls, and who are referred to as “sore losers”, like John McCain, the other contender for the oval office.
Finally, among the President’s most vociferous and angry dissenters are a very destructive group of “haters” who temporarily repressed their seething resentment of a black man in the white house, for the lack of a venue in which to do so, legitimately; so in alliance with other critics and dissenters of the President they have used the Town Hall meetings to unleash their frustration and vent their anger, without having to account for their racist sentiments, under the cover of a “Post Racial Society”.
The President’s vacillation on a number of issues and his failure to follow through on a host of campaign promises has alienated some of his most ardent and loyal supporters. The time table of his campaign rhetoric for bringing about any kind of fundamental change expired, shortly after his inauguration, using his own barometer. By sending a mixed message about his position on Health Care Reform and the role of the Insurance industry, and not respecting the voice of single payer advocates, he has created a bridge between himself and many of his political allies, to the extent he is no longer able to command or galvanize those forces to rescue him from the abyss in which he finds himself, and no speech on “Heath Care Reform” at this point is likely to heal those wounds.
Obama’s failure to consolidate his political base has opened the flood gates to attacks by some of his most virulent critics and allowed the most entrenched and reactionary opposition to regain a foothold in American politics; despite the fact that most of the policies the opposition purports to reject have been substantially moderated or eviscerated. For example, the Public Option feature of the Health Care Reform proposals, now fighting for its life, has already been scaled down from enrolling 130,000,000 Americans to accommodating lees than 10,000,000, and the president is now entertaining the notion of some kind of co-op to soften Republican opposition. We will see what kind of Hybrid emerges from his most recent proposals.
The President’s flip flopping has provided cannon fodder for those who had lost a commanding voice in Public affairs after a resounding defeat in last November’s election, and these are not likely to subside with another one of his infamous speeches. The President is largely responsible for reenergizing these reactionaries, racists and not so happy campers of the right wing and their allies in the media, who have seized the opportunity to seduce their audience with sensationalism, and inject their two cents worth in the service of their ruling class benefactors.
Dick Cheney, the former vice president, an embattled conservative and an immensely unpopular figure, has appeared on the news and talk shows almost as often as the president, supporting the most horrendous torture of so called enemy combatants, a considerable number of which have been denied a hearing or trial or have been proven innocent.
In the past few months the media has devoted an inordinate amount of prime time to the coverage of a bunch of screaming and foul mouthed rebel rousers at the so called Town Hall meetings designed to ostensibly discuss the merits of Obama “Health Care Reform” proposals. Instead these meetings have provided a platform for the racists, and conservative die hards and reactionaries who have found a venue to express their views and rekindle support of a right wing agenda. They have used the meetings to discredit any movement toward change, under the pretext of opposition to the cost of Obama’s Health Care Reform Proposals, and have acted as obstructionists for any sane and civil discussion of the Health Care Delivery System in the United States and how to best guarantee universal coverage and quality care for all.
Although in reality no one knew at that time what was actually being proposed in the Health Care legislation in the first place, including members of congress, the unruly mobs made it up as they went along, with the media exploiting the sensationalism for the consumption of a gullible viewing audience.
Not anywhere in the media did we hear a denouncement of the savage and tyrannical tactics used by the almost exclusively white audience, tactics that would have likely brought down the wrath of the media establishment and Obama himself if it had come from the left of the political spectrum or involved black people or other progressive grassroots organizations. Unfortunately, most of the participants in this charade could have probably benefited from the most comprehensive Health Care plan one could envision, but instead fail victim to a Ruling class strategy in sabotaging their own best interest.
The irony of all the drama is that none if any of these no nothing, contemptuous rabble rousers could explain in any detail what they were actually fighting for; consequently we have to consider what they were fighting against and the only conclusion one can draw is that they were fighting against Obama himself, using the Health Care debate as a pretext. This forum of Town hall meetings provided a cover for racists and others to express their resentment of Obama without being exposed for the racists they really are thanks to the Myth of a “Post Racial Society.”
What is the greatest of all ironies however is that Obama was never a threat to these hoodlums or to any of his more sophisticated critics who might have harbored white supremacist tendencies. The resurrection of this mummified crew of the walking dead was a monster of his own creation.
Obama in his campaign and after his election devoted a lot of energy in trying to placate potential opponents and prevent the emergence of fears and discomfort at having a black face in the White House. Obama was obliged to reject his long time mentor and confidant, the Reverend Wright in strong and inflammatory language and categorically repudiate the support of Minister Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam. He was careful not to be seen at black churches or other black fraternal organizations until after his nomination and refused to speak out on the most egregious violations of Human rights of African people, like the shooting of Sean Bell by the New York Police in Queens, 50 times, shortly after his wedding. By ignoring this incident and others like it, and disassociating himself with any manifestation of militancy among blacks, Obama paved the way for the creation of the illusion of a Post Racial Society to allay the fears of a potential white constituency, who might harbor serious reservations about his loyalties, and whose votes were crucial to his election.
In his haste to accommodate his opposition and build a legacy as the great arbiter of the racial divide and partisan politics by courting the favor of the ruling class, and undercover racists, Obama forfeited his claim as an agent of fundamental change, and a champion of equality. Whatever finally emerges from the “Health Care Reform” debate or what happens with the future of the economy is academic. Obama has already left his indelible footprints in the annals of history. The dimentions of these footprints match perfectly with those of the Bankers and the imperialist oligarchy of the world, and they are branded on the backs of Africans, workers and the poor.
Failing in his mission to promote the Myth of a “Post Racial Society and the illusion of fundamental change, Obama is left to stew in his own dilemma which will likely follow him to the end of his term. He is slowly digging his own grave and when the hole is big enough, he will fall in it.
"Health Care Reform", a letter to a comrade
By Hamadi Walls
At Town Hall meetings across the country democrats are reeling from a concerted, well organized and increasingly militant attack by republican partisans and other right wing malcontents who are targeting the Obama Administration’s so called “Health Care Reform” legislation pending before Congress. These Town Hall meeting were Initially organized by the democrats to help push their version of a Health Care plan though Congress, but were hijacked by republicans who encouraged right wing extremists to sabotage those efforts. The Obama administration is now calling for their supporters who originally included single payer health insurance advocates, who they marginalized and excluded from the Health Care Reform debate,.to come to their defense in combating this latest opposition to their legislative agenda on Health Care Reform.
In this context, I wrote a letter to Glen Ford, Executive Director, of The Black Agenda Report, a very progressive internet magazine. Mr. Ford has aggressively taken Obama and his administration to task for their broken promises, distortions and misrepresentations since the election last Fall. This letter is in response to an interview on KPFA on friday, August 7 , in which Glen Ford commented on the situation now facing Obama and his “Health Care Reform” initiatives.
The letter reads as follows:
I listened to you this afternoon on KPFA, listener supported radio in Oakland California and I must say I was a bit surprised and somewhat disappointed at your narrow interpretation of the events surrounding the behavior of Republican supporters and an assortment of hooligans and anarchists who have besieged the so called, “Town Hall Meetings” and exploited the media‘s unquenchable taste for sensationalism. While I heard your critique of the Republican Party and its reactionary history in support of right wing extremists and white supremacist, I did not hear a critique of the Democratic Party which shares a common history and ultimately a common bond with these obstructionists, as part of the oppressive arm of imperialism. While the democrat’s complicity is not as clear in this particular instance, they should not be allowed to escape scrutiny for their role in formulating a flawed strategic plan on Health Care Reform in the first place.
I believe that our critique of bourgeois Democratic politics, under whatever circumstances must always include a critique of the major players who make up the heartbeat of an oppressive and reactionary social and political system, and that includes both democrats and republicans, or any other formation which operates under the umbrella of finance capital, period.
Some on the left or so called “progressives” are acting as if they have some sort of obligation to come to the aid of the Obama administration in their attempt to salvage the ill conceived and aberrant “Health Care reform” legislation that restricts coverage, rather than extends it, and further subsidizes the Insurance industry, despite the democrats proclamations to the contrary. By taking this position. progressives are in danger of abrogating their responsibility to speak out on the need to push for true Health Care reform legislation, like a single payer system. This is not to say we should not oppose those who want no plan at all, and leave the Health Care of the American people to the shenanigans of Private Insurers. However, if the right kind of plan does not emerge, it might be just as well that we have no plan at all, and come back to fight another day.
If we allow the public to view our response to these incendiary tactics by a group of goons, and misguided rebel rousers as supporting Obama and his administration’s Health care legislation, then we may have set back the cause of real and meaningful Health care reform for many decades. Our response to the mobs that have hijacked these meetings must include our own Health Reform agenda and not a submission to the agenda of the Obama administration. We can’t let these events obscure what the real debate around health care reform is all about , and that is a fully funded affordable health care system for every American, universal coverage for all medical conditions, and the access to the most technologically advanced and life saving procedures availabable, and unfettered protection against abuse, through a single payer system. Our support or accommodation of anything less is a total negation of our responsibility as a progressive and revolutionary alternative to the status quo
I was also disappointed that you did not mention the hypocrisy of the Obama Administration in their present attitude toward the insurance industry as the villain in the Health care debate, when they so assiduously courted the favor of the industry and succumbed too many of its demands in writing the present version of the Health care reform legislation, like scaling back the public option from 130 million Americans to less than 10 million. I am convinced that our opposition to the Obama plan and the obstructionists is a very important position for the political left to undertake and for the public to understand , if we are to command any kind of legitimacy among those whose support and solidarity we seek. However, I did not hear anything on this broadcast from the so called left or “progressives” forces that injected this crucial perspective into the conversation.
Again, why should we come to the aid of the Obama administration now that they need us, when they have rejected and excluded single payer advocates from the Health Reform debate from the very start?
Just as with the election of Obama, black people and others appear to be prepared to place our own agenda on hold to support someone who has never really championed the causes for which we portend to espouse, and which are in our best interest. It also seems we are poised once again to take the position of supporting the lesser of two evils, a bankrupt strategy which has retarded the growth, influence and advancement of a truly progressive agenda for fundamental change for a very long time. Instead of acting as if the Obama administration are victims in this debacle, we should seize the opportunity to expose the system for what it is, and rekindle our efforts to push for a single payer Health care solution.
We must remain clear and focused. I am a frequent visitor to your website and a strong supporter of the fresh perspectives from many of my comrades of a “progressive “or political left persuasion. I have been greatly inspired by your commentary. I consider your site as a beacon of hope for those who are about fundamental change and unwilling to compromise the ideas and values which represent that change. I call upon you to be resolute and not deviate from what you know is the truth and not submit to expediency or opportunism, which I have faith you will not.
In solidarity
Your brother
You can access the Black Agenda Report Website, by placing the address,
In your browser.
At Town Hall meetings across the country democrats are reeling from a concerted, well organized and increasingly militant attack by republican partisans and other right wing malcontents who are targeting the Obama Administration’s so called “Health Care Reform” legislation pending before Congress. These Town Hall meeting were Initially organized by the democrats to help push their version of a Health Care plan though Congress, but were hijacked by republicans who encouraged right wing extremists to sabotage those efforts. The Obama administration is now calling for their supporters who originally included single payer health insurance advocates, who they marginalized and excluded from the Health Care Reform debate,.to come to their defense in combating this latest opposition to their legislative agenda on Health Care Reform.
In this context, I wrote a letter to Glen Ford, Executive Director, of The Black Agenda Report, a very progressive internet magazine. Mr. Ford has aggressively taken Obama and his administration to task for their broken promises, distortions and misrepresentations since the election last Fall. This letter is in response to an interview on KPFA on friday, August 7 , in which Glen Ford commented on the situation now facing Obama and his “Health Care Reform” initiatives.
The letter reads as follows:
I listened to you this afternoon on KPFA, listener supported radio in Oakland California and I must say I was a bit surprised and somewhat disappointed at your narrow interpretation of the events surrounding the behavior of Republican supporters and an assortment of hooligans and anarchists who have besieged the so called, “Town Hall Meetings” and exploited the media‘s unquenchable taste for sensationalism. While I heard your critique of the Republican Party and its reactionary history in support of right wing extremists and white supremacist, I did not hear a critique of the Democratic Party which shares a common history and ultimately a common bond with these obstructionists, as part of the oppressive arm of imperialism. While the democrat’s complicity is not as clear in this particular instance, they should not be allowed to escape scrutiny for their role in formulating a flawed strategic plan on Health Care Reform in the first place.
I believe that our critique of bourgeois Democratic politics, under whatever circumstances must always include a critique of the major players who make up the heartbeat of an oppressive and reactionary social and political system, and that includes both democrats and republicans, or any other formation which operates under the umbrella of finance capital, period.
Some on the left or so called “progressives” are acting as if they have some sort of obligation to come to the aid of the Obama administration in their attempt to salvage the ill conceived and aberrant “Health Care reform” legislation that restricts coverage, rather than extends it, and further subsidizes the Insurance industry, despite the democrats proclamations to the contrary. By taking this position. progressives are in danger of abrogating their responsibility to speak out on the need to push for true Health Care reform legislation, like a single payer system. This is not to say we should not oppose those who want no plan at all, and leave the Health Care of the American people to the shenanigans of Private Insurers. However, if the right kind of plan does not emerge, it might be just as well that we have no plan at all, and come back to fight another day.
If we allow the public to view our response to these incendiary tactics by a group of goons, and misguided rebel rousers as supporting Obama and his administration’s Health care legislation, then we may have set back the cause of real and meaningful Health care reform for many decades. Our response to the mobs that have hijacked these meetings must include our own Health Reform agenda and not a submission to the agenda of the Obama administration. We can’t let these events obscure what the real debate around health care reform is all about , and that is a fully funded affordable health care system for every American, universal coverage for all medical conditions, and the access to the most technologically advanced and life saving procedures availabable, and unfettered protection against abuse, through a single payer system. Our support or accommodation of anything less is a total negation of our responsibility as a progressive and revolutionary alternative to the status quo
I was also disappointed that you did not mention the hypocrisy of the Obama Administration in their present attitude toward the insurance industry as the villain in the Health care debate, when they so assiduously courted the favor of the industry and succumbed too many of its demands in writing the present version of the Health care reform legislation, like scaling back the public option from 130 million Americans to less than 10 million. I am convinced that our opposition to the Obama plan and the obstructionists is a very important position for the political left to undertake and for the public to understand , if we are to command any kind of legitimacy among those whose support and solidarity we seek. However, I did not hear anything on this broadcast from the so called left or “progressives” forces that injected this crucial perspective into the conversation.
Again, why should we come to the aid of the Obama administration now that they need us, when they have rejected and excluded single payer advocates from the Health Reform debate from the very start?
Just as with the election of Obama, black people and others appear to be prepared to place our own agenda on hold to support someone who has never really championed the causes for which we portend to espouse, and which are in our best interest. It also seems we are poised once again to take the position of supporting the lesser of two evils, a bankrupt strategy which has retarded the growth, influence and advancement of a truly progressive agenda for fundamental change for a very long time. Instead of acting as if the Obama administration are victims in this debacle, we should seize the opportunity to expose the system for what it is, and rekindle our efforts to push for a single payer Health care solution.
We must remain clear and focused. I am a frequent visitor to your website and a strong supporter of the fresh perspectives from many of my comrades of a “progressive “or political left persuasion. I have been greatly inspired by your commentary. I consider your site as a beacon of hope for those who are about fundamental change and unwilling to compromise the ideas and values which represent that change. I call upon you to be resolute and not deviate from what you know is the truth and not submit to expediency or opportunism, which I have faith you will not.
In solidarity
Your brother
You can access the Black Agenda Report Website, by placing the address,
In your browser.
Don't Ask, Don't Tell Policy Falters in Supreme Court
Gays in the military
Obama administration deserts cause
The Obama administration erected yet another tombstone in the burial ground of broken promises as it dispatched its legal vanguard to the Supreme Court to argue for a dismissal of a challenge to the “Don't Ask Don’t tell “ policy of the U.S Armed Forces. The Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy has been around for the past 10 years or so, and is the brain child of the Clinton Administration. Upon its inauguration, it was proclaimed by policy makers as a milestone in reforming the policies of the military toward gays and lesbians. Critics insisted, however, it was just another indulgence in tokenism and one more roadblock to homosexuals serving openly in the military.
The “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy”, as did its predecessors, sets the standard of behavior for gays and lesbians in the military, which has resulted in number of dishonorable discharges, for those who object to its enforcement. More than 230 service members have been kicked out of the military under the policy since Obama took office, according to the Service Members Legal Defense Fund. The present policy is not much different from the old policy, except it prohibits the military from asking about the sexual orientation of a recruit. Conversely, it prohibits any member of the Armed forces from revealing in any manner through innuendo or behavior his or her sexual orientation, thus, Don’t Ask, Don’t tell. In affirming the policy, the administration cited an almost universally discredited argument, an argument Obama had once refuted himself, that allowing gays and lesbians to serve openly in the military would undermine the morale of the troops.
For years, gay people in the military served inconspicuously, but with distinction under an ominous cloud of fear and intimidation. The military was known to employ various clandestine methods, including surveillance and entrapment in its witch hunting inquisitions to weed out any manifestation of homosexuality or inclinations.
The “Don’t Ask, Don’t tell” Policy was initially conceived as a compromise during the reign of Bill Clinton, designed to appease those on both sides of the issue. Under pressure from the military brass, Clinton backed away from his original stated objective to permit gays and lesbians to serve openly in the military, although some dispute this commitment. More radical elements of the gay rights movement were outraged, while others acquiesced rather than rethink their loyalty to the Democratic Party.
Obama, like Clinton had promised during his campaign to support equality for homosexuals in the U.S Armed Forces and indicated he would seek to reverse the “Don’t Ask, Don’t tell” policy of the Clinton Administration. Obama’s recent actions however, along with prolonging the agony of its proponents, relegates the issue of gays and lesbians serving openly in the military to an early grave, and diminishes the possibility of its resurrection.
Amazingly, Same Gender loving individuals, or SGLs just like a majority of the American public, are yet to demonstrate any proclivity for protecting their own self interest from the evolving antagonism of their president. Obama’s increasingly one sided policy of pacification of the Banking and Industrial classes as opposed to looking after the well being of working people are becoming legendary, in just a little over 100 days in office. Insofar as the American public is concerned, one cannot help but wonder and even agonize over what it will take to awaken the sleeping giant.
Obama administration deserts cause
The Obama administration erected yet another tombstone in the burial ground of broken promises as it dispatched its legal vanguard to the Supreme Court to argue for a dismissal of a challenge to the “Don't Ask Don’t tell “ policy of the U.S Armed Forces. The Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy has been around for the past 10 years or so, and is the brain child of the Clinton Administration. Upon its inauguration, it was proclaimed by policy makers as a milestone in reforming the policies of the military toward gays and lesbians. Critics insisted, however, it was just another indulgence in tokenism and one more roadblock to homosexuals serving openly in the military.
The “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy”, as did its predecessors, sets the standard of behavior for gays and lesbians in the military, which has resulted in number of dishonorable discharges, for those who object to its enforcement. More than 230 service members have been kicked out of the military under the policy since Obama took office, according to the Service Members Legal Defense Fund. The present policy is not much different from the old policy, except it prohibits the military from asking about the sexual orientation of a recruit. Conversely, it prohibits any member of the Armed forces from revealing in any manner through innuendo or behavior his or her sexual orientation, thus, Don’t Ask, Don’t tell. In affirming the policy, the administration cited an almost universally discredited argument, an argument Obama had once refuted himself, that allowing gays and lesbians to serve openly in the military would undermine the morale of the troops.
For years, gay people in the military served inconspicuously, but with distinction under an ominous cloud of fear and intimidation. The military was known to employ various clandestine methods, including surveillance and entrapment in its witch hunting inquisitions to weed out any manifestation of homosexuality or inclinations.
The “Don’t Ask, Don’t tell” Policy was initially conceived as a compromise during the reign of Bill Clinton, designed to appease those on both sides of the issue. Under pressure from the military brass, Clinton backed away from his original stated objective to permit gays and lesbians to serve openly in the military, although some dispute this commitment. More radical elements of the gay rights movement were outraged, while others acquiesced rather than rethink their loyalty to the Democratic Party.
Obama, like Clinton had promised during his campaign to support equality for homosexuals in the U.S Armed Forces and indicated he would seek to reverse the “Don’t Ask, Don’t tell” policy of the Clinton Administration. Obama’s recent actions however, along with prolonging the agony of its proponents, relegates the issue of gays and lesbians serving openly in the military to an early grave, and diminishes the possibility of its resurrection.
Amazingly, Same Gender loving individuals, or SGLs just like a majority of the American public, are yet to demonstrate any proclivity for protecting their own self interest from the evolving antagonism of their president. Obama’s increasingly one sided policy of pacification of the Banking and Industrial classes as opposed to looking after the well being of working people are becoming legendary, in just a little over 100 days in office. Insofar as the American public is concerned, one cannot help but wonder and even agonize over what it will take to awaken the sleeping giant.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Justice, Rebellion and Retribution
Value of Black Life on Trial in the Streets of Oakland
As the trial of a Bart Police officer who killed a young black man at a Bart( Bay Area Rapid Transit) station in Oakland, CA on the charge of murder draws near against the backdrop of 4 police officers killed by a young black male parolee, we take a look at the impact of these events on the community and the kind of response that follows. We also want to examine the roots of the violence related to the value of life placed on one group or individual as opposed to another.
Even if the Bart Officer is convicted of the murder of Oscar Grant, a long history of abuse and misconduct by so called officers of the law cannot be obliterated in a single stroke of justice. The prerogatives and actions of this Armed , military like contingent which patrols our neighborhoods must be contained and subjected to regulations and guidelines decided by and accountable to the people.
With the exception of self defense, or the liberation from physical bondage or oppression, violence of just about any kind is a blight upon the civility and nature of human kind. It portends a state of depravity and barbarity, a certain kind of pathology among peoples and nations of the world. There isn’t any enduring justification for its glorification or sanction, whether as a pretext for the prosecution of wars or to preserve peaceor whether perpetrated by the state, law enforcement or the individual. It is a particularly heinous affliction when used to systematically intimidate, subdue or humiliate a particular group or nationality, and to consistently value the life of one group over another, which has been the case for African and other oppressed people within U.S borders and beyond and Oakland California is no exception.
In the case of Oscar Grant the criminal justice system stalled in its investigation and apprehension of the suspect who had fled the area. The suspect was later captured in another state and taken into custody. Of course the black community is no to these assassins called police officers. Of course the black community is no stranger to the excesses of the assassins called Police Officers. The blood of black men and occasionally black women stain the landscape from California to New York, and the obituaries read like that of organized genocide.
As we fast forward about two months later we collide with yet another incident of violence of a different scenario, with a seemingly lethal dose of vengeance and retribution on 2 Oakland Police Officers. In the wake of the killing of the 4 police officers, by an apparently aggrieved and despondent parolee, Lovelle Mixon, national and local politicians and public officials converged on the city of Oakland in unprecedented numbers to memorialize the four officers. The grand matrons of the U.S Congress in the person of Dianne Feinstein, and Barbara Boxer, two U. S Senators from California, eulogized the officers as men of peace and praised their devotion to duty and family. The duo elevated the statue of the four officers to almost super human proportions, while omitting any reference to the social conditions and disparities for which black men are subjected and which fuel the violence, discontent and hopelessness in black communities nationwide.
Among the black public officials and dignitaries in attendance at the memorial, none were allowed to speak; not even the Mayor of Oakland. As the black officials, took their place among the masters of the plantation, they were disgraced, and were left to stew in their own humiliation. Some might refer to the black dignitaries’ disinclination for controversy regarding the issue as taking the high road, even if all roads available had been blocked and barricaded in advance. It appeared that the rejected black officials were more inclined to prove themselves as loyalists and patriots than to stand up in defense of their dignity. Later, a group of black public officials and office holders assembled to protest the exclusion of blacks as speakers at the ceremonies, only to be rebuked by the Police Officers Association for their insensitivity to the families of the slain officers. Although a strong rebuttal to the Police Officers Association’s accusations appeared to be in order, none were forthcoming and the group retreated into their cocoon, heeding their master’s voices.
Lovelle Mixon, was, at least partially, a victim of a system which erects formidable barriers to opportunities available to black men and parolees, and which fails to provide sufficient resources for the expression and resolution of their grievances. This is not to justify what Lovelle Mixon did but to present a plausible explanation of why he did what he did when so few of us seem to even care.
Not surprisingly, this attitude of indifference and distain is mostly reserved for young black men, with young white men encountering a different attitude altogether Recent studies have shown that more white men with criminal records are employed at greater rates than black men without any contact with the criminal justice system. The Sentencing project, an organization that gathers statistics on the criminal justice system, reports on their web site that one in three black males born today can expect to go to prison if present trends continue.
Our first black president is yet to intervene or offer any solutions to some of the most striking incidents of injustice in the black community. Upon questioning by a journalist from BET (Black Entertainment Network) about the skyrocketing black unemployment among black men in Chicago, which hovers above 50 percent, Obama, in a rather incredulous response, implied that a rising tide lifts all. That is to say his economic stimulus package would benefit those most in need and that being black and brown people. Although very cleverly put, it is not difficult to project, based on past experience , and present statistics that without the kind of intervention which address racial disparities in our society, black people are destined to receive the short end of the stick, as has always been the case. A rising tide, then, will only lift those already afloat, while leaving black and brown people to sink in the murky waters of “benign neglect”.
Except for the Bay view News paper published In San Francisco, there was very little mention in the black press of Mixon’s circumstances, like his inability to find work largely due to the stigma of incarceration and a felony conviction. While sympathy and condolences were magnanimously extended to the families of the slain officers, by the press, the grief and pain of Mixon’s family were virtually ignored
Shocking as it might seem to some, at a meeting of black rappers, the audience was reported to have cheered when hearing of the killing of the four officers. This reaction is not as disgusting and reprehensible as some might think when placed in perspective. It is the kind of reaction which occurs when the reverence for life of one group is contrasted with the reverence of life of another.It is as if the implications of a violent attack upon men in uniform, especially when they are white, who are sworn to serve and protect, far outweigh the travesty of murder of unarmed black men, who are relegated to an inferior status of diminishing value, and whose only crime, more often than not, is the color of their skin and the fate which awaits them. In this case and many others where one human life reigns supreme over another, it is a value judgment which only serves to propagate violence, not diminish it.
As the trial of a Bart Police officer who killed a young black man at a Bart( Bay Area Rapid Transit) station in Oakland, CA on the charge of murder draws near against the backdrop of 4 police officers killed by a young black male parolee, we take a look at the impact of these events on the community and the kind of response that follows. We also want to examine the roots of the violence related to the value of life placed on one group or individual as opposed to another.
Even if the Bart Officer is convicted of the murder of Oscar Grant, a long history of abuse and misconduct by so called officers of the law cannot be obliterated in a single stroke of justice. The prerogatives and actions of this Armed , military like contingent which patrols our neighborhoods must be contained and subjected to regulations and guidelines decided by and accountable to the people.
With the exception of self defense, or the liberation from physical bondage or oppression, violence of just about any kind is a blight upon the civility and nature of human kind. It portends a state of depravity and barbarity, a certain kind of pathology among peoples and nations of the world. There isn’t any enduring justification for its glorification or sanction, whether as a pretext for the prosecution of wars or to preserve peaceor whether perpetrated by the state, law enforcement or the individual. It is a particularly heinous affliction when used to systematically intimidate, subdue or humiliate a particular group or nationality, and to consistently value the life of one group over another, which has been the case for African and other oppressed people within U.S borders and beyond and Oakland California is no exception.
In the case of Oscar Grant the criminal justice system stalled in its investigation and apprehension of the suspect who had fled the area. The suspect was later captured in another state and taken into custody. Of course the black community is no to these assassins called police officers. Of course the black community is no stranger to the excesses of the assassins called Police Officers. The blood of black men and occasionally black women stain the landscape from California to New York, and the obituaries read like that of organized genocide.
As we fast forward about two months later we collide with yet another incident of violence of a different scenario, with a seemingly lethal dose of vengeance and retribution on 2 Oakland Police Officers. In the wake of the killing of the 4 police officers, by an apparently aggrieved and despondent parolee, Lovelle Mixon, national and local politicians and public officials converged on the city of Oakland in unprecedented numbers to memorialize the four officers. The grand matrons of the U.S Congress in the person of Dianne Feinstein, and Barbara Boxer, two U. S Senators from California, eulogized the officers as men of peace and praised their devotion to duty and family. The duo elevated the statue of the four officers to almost super human proportions, while omitting any reference to the social conditions and disparities for which black men are subjected and which fuel the violence, discontent and hopelessness in black communities nationwide.
Among the black public officials and dignitaries in attendance at the memorial, none were allowed to speak; not even the Mayor of Oakland. As the black officials, took their place among the masters of the plantation, they were disgraced, and were left to stew in their own humiliation. Some might refer to the black dignitaries’ disinclination for controversy regarding the issue as taking the high road, even if all roads available had been blocked and barricaded in advance. It appeared that the rejected black officials were more inclined to prove themselves as loyalists and patriots than to stand up in defense of their dignity. Later, a group of black public officials and office holders assembled to protest the exclusion of blacks as speakers at the ceremonies, only to be rebuked by the Police Officers Association for their insensitivity to the families of the slain officers. Although a strong rebuttal to the Police Officers Association’s accusations appeared to be in order, none were forthcoming and the group retreated into their cocoon, heeding their master’s voices.
Lovelle Mixon, was, at least partially, a victim of a system which erects formidable barriers to opportunities available to black men and parolees, and which fails to provide sufficient resources for the expression and resolution of their grievances. This is not to justify what Lovelle Mixon did but to present a plausible explanation of why he did what he did when so few of us seem to even care.
Not surprisingly, this attitude of indifference and distain is mostly reserved for young black men, with young white men encountering a different attitude altogether Recent studies have shown that more white men with criminal records are employed at greater rates than black men without any contact with the criminal justice system. The Sentencing project, an organization that gathers statistics on the criminal justice system, reports on their web site that one in three black males born today can expect to go to prison if present trends continue.
Our first black president is yet to intervene or offer any solutions to some of the most striking incidents of injustice in the black community. Upon questioning by a journalist from BET (Black Entertainment Network) about the skyrocketing black unemployment among black men in Chicago, which hovers above 50 percent, Obama, in a rather incredulous response, implied that a rising tide lifts all. That is to say his economic stimulus package would benefit those most in need and that being black and brown people. Although very cleverly put, it is not difficult to project, based on past experience , and present statistics that without the kind of intervention which address racial disparities in our society, black people are destined to receive the short end of the stick, as has always been the case. A rising tide, then, will only lift those already afloat, while leaving black and brown people to sink in the murky waters of “benign neglect”.
Except for the Bay view News paper published In San Francisco, there was very little mention in the black press of Mixon’s circumstances, like his inability to find work largely due to the stigma of incarceration and a felony conviction. While sympathy and condolences were magnanimously extended to the families of the slain officers, by the press, the grief and pain of Mixon’s family were virtually ignored
Shocking as it might seem to some, at a meeting of black rappers, the audience was reported to have cheered when hearing of the killing of the four officers. This reaction is not as disgusting and reprehensible as some might think when placed in perspective. It is the kind of reaction which occurs when the reverence for life of one group is contrasted with the reverence of life of another.It is as if the implications of a violent attack upon men in uniform, especially when they are white, who are sworn to serve and protect, far outweigh the travesty of murder of unarmed black men, who are relegated to an inferior status of diminishing value, and whose only crime, more often than not, is the color of their skin and the fate which awaits them. In this case and many others where one human life reigns supreme over another, it is a value judgment which only serves to propagate violence, not diminish it.
Virtuosity In Black, Part I
or Liar, Liar, House on Fire
Part 1
Breaking News.
The highly acclaimed production of Virtuosity in Black or subtitled by some critics, as Liar, Liar, House on Fire, a child like taunting refrain, has been scripted into a pageantry of real life drama competing in popularity as one of the most memorable productions of screen and stage in American history, largely due to an outstanding performance by Barack Obama, featured in the starring role.
Barack Obama, a suave and charismatic native son, along with his entourage of hypocrites and turncoats is receiving national and international acclaim for what some are calling one of the best performances of the century. Obama was groomed and selected for the part by an elite group of casting directors. He is said to be ecstatic over his success in capturing an immensely coveted part, especially for a black man. His fortunes as a consummate actor and serious contender for the part began with his memorable role as the Senator from Illinois. This powerful drama of a few years ago established his credentials as a reliable and trusted protégé of an elite ruing oligarchy whose powers are legendary for their ability to mold the Academy of Arts and Sciences in its own image.
Obama’s historical ascendency to capture the leading role in Virtuosity in Black is being hailed by some observers as a decisive victory for the repudiation of the questionable talents of the only other contender for the role. The runner up was associated with a discredited actor whose ability was eventually deemed unsuitable by the decision makers. Consequently, they concluded that Obama’s competition lacked the necessary credentials to capture the hearts and minds of the audience in this critical period of unprecedented skepticism among the masses.
Some in the Academy of Arts and Sciences are indignant over the role of the ruling oligarchy, who they accuse of hi-jacking the decision making process and rendering the vote of the rank and file null and void. Some are also saying that because the drama depicts a black man who refuses to stand up for the rights and humanity of black people that the real color of the protagonist is actually yellow, not black.
Consequently some polls, are showing an emerging backlash to the popularity of the production, which has been roundly criticized as a gross distortion of basic human values, which represent the best of human nature in a society hungry for role models they can emulate in a time of crisis and uncertainty.
The above combination of metaphor, satire, and a dose of sarcasm is designed to impress upon the readers how one can easily mistake form for substance and be harangued into believing the authenticity of information which has been edited, omitted and distorted in the service of a elite group who weld the power of censorship and the control of information for mass consumption.
Seeking information beyond the enticement and seduction of images and form is crucial if one is to uncover the truth. The truth is that Obama’s image and his very carefully crafted speeches are often in contradiction to his policies and decisions. Some of us have already perceived as much and have spoken boldly on the subject. For those of us who are still in the dark or harbor doubts about the Obama deception, especially as it relates to the African community, standby, as we breathe life into the simmering ambers of the metaphor.
Please see Part II
Part 1
Breaking News.
The highly acclaimed production of Virtuosity in Black or subtitled by some critics, as Liar, Liar, House on Fire, a child like taunting refrain, has been scripted into a pageantry of real life drama competing in popularity as one of the most memorable productions of screen and stage in American history, largely due to an outstanding performance by Barack Obama, featured in the starring role.
Barack Obama, a suave and charismatic native son, along with his entourage of hypocrites and turncoats is receiving national and international acclaim for what some are calling one of the best performances of the century. Obama was groomed and selected for the part by an elite group of casting directors. He is said to be ecstatic over his success in capturing an immensely coveted part, especially for a black man. His fortunes as a consummate actor and serious contender for the part began with his memorable role as the Senator from Illinois. This powerful drama of a few years ago established his credentials as a reliable and trusted protégé of an elite ruing oligarchy whose powers are legendary for their ability to mold the Academy of Arts and Sciences in its own image.
Obama’s historical ascendency to capture the leading role in Virtuosity in Black is being hailed by some observers as a decisive victory for the repudiation of the questionable talents of the only other contender for the role. The runner up was associated with a discredited actor whose ability was eventually deemed unsuitable by the decision makers. Consequently, they concluded that Obama’s competition lacked the necessary credentials to capture the hearts and minds of the audience in this critical period of unprecedented skepticism among the masses.
Some in the Academy of Arts and Sciences are indignant over the role of the ruling oligarchy, who they accuse of hi-jacking the decision making process and rendering the vote of the rank and file null and void. Some are also saying that because the drama depicts a black man who refuses to stand up for the rights and humanity of black people that the real color of the protagonist is actually yellow, not black.
Consequently some polls, are showing an emerging backlash to the popularity of the production, which has been roundly criticized as a gross distortion of basic human values, which represent the best of human nature in a society hungry for role models they can emulate in a time of crisis and uncertainty.
The above combination of metaphor, satire, and a dose of sarcasm is designed to impress upon the readers how one can easily mistake form for substance and be harangued into believing the authenticity of information which has been edited, omitted and distorted in the service of a elite group who weld the power of censorship and the control of information for mass consumption.
Seeking information beyond the enticement and seduction of images and form is crucial if one is to uncover the truth. The truth is that Obama’s image and his very carefully crafted speeches are often in contradiction to his policies and decisions. Some of us have already perceived as much and have spoken boldly on the subject. For those of us who are still in the dark or harbor doubts about the Obama deception, especially as it relates to the African community, standby, as we breathe life into the simmering ambers of the metaphor.
Please see Part II
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